Unidos MN

Unidos MN is a grassroots organization that builds power with Minnesota's working families to advance social, racial and economic justice. As an organization born from the DREAMER movement, the topics of immigration, education, and climate justice are at the core of our work. We are an intersectional, intergenerational, women, Latine-led organization


We invest in:


COMMUNITY organizing for system change that seeks to transform the systems and power structures impacting our communities by building relationships to modify rules and make our systems and structures truly accountable to all of us.


LEADERSHIP development from the grassroots where Latines that are often excluded - immigrant, youth, LGBTQ+, Indigenous, Black, disabled and women- are the foundation of purposeful collective action.blank blank blank blank blank blank


POWER building through campaigns that develop community members’ abilities to lead our organization, our movement, and our society. We develop a shared sense of the root-cause and we make visible where our power comes from: el pueblo (the people).


Our Vision

Our Vision

Unidos MN is a Latino, multi-generational, immigrant-led, grassroots community-based organization that builds power for social, racial, and economic justice.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Title of the document We organize for a Minnesota where everyone’s inherent dignity and worth, regardless of age, race, class, gender identity, incarceration history, disability, and immigration status is recognized. All people deserve pathways to access a good life (el buen vivir). We organize for a Minnesota where strong grassroots power -rooted in our love for one another and the earth- shapes structures, systems, and institutions. We organize for a Minnesota where Latine people work shoulder to shoulder with folks from different backgrounds against oppression of all kinds as part of movements for justice and self-determination for all people. We organize for a multiracial, plural, healthy democracy that works for everyone, no exceptions.

Driver’s Licenses

Minnesotans are honest and hardworking. Whether you're from Mankato, St.Cloud, or Minneapolis, we know that everyone should have a safe place to call home and build memories with their families. After winning a historic democratic trifecta in Minnesota, we came together to map out the path to Driver's Licenses for All. Here are some resources that can help you apply for one.


Unidos MN community resources page! Here you will find information about a variety of resources and services that are available to individuals and families in our community. From healthcare and education to housing and employment, we have compiled a list of resources to help you and your loved ones access the support you need to thrive. If you have any questions or need more specific information about a particular resource, please don't hesitate to call us at (612) 231-9719. We are here to help and are committed to connecting you with your needed resources.